7 Actionable Productivity Tips for People Working from Home

A pandemic that would force millions of people around the world to work from home in order to control the virus was something no one expected to happen in our day and age.

However, it has become our new normal, and adapting to the drastic changes is our lives what’s needed at times like this. And just like working in an office has its challenges, working from home proved that it has its own set of drawbacks that destroy your productivity.

Today, we are going to take a look at productivity tips for people working from home.

productivity tips for working from home

Smarter Faster Better

by Charles Duhigg

⏱ 18 minutes reading time

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Set Up Your Own Home Office

The appeal of working from home sounds amazing because after all, instead of spending hours getting ready and driving or taking public transport to your workplace, you will not set foot outside of the comfort of your own house and can even work while wearing your PJs.

But, if you don’t want to say goodbye to your productivity and have days that are packed full of procrastination and distractions, then you might want to consider setting up your own workspace at home that mimics your office.

While you might be able to avoid spending hours commuting and can work from practically anywhere in the house, whether it’s on the bed, on your porch, in the backyard, or on the couch, it has been proven that having a space that’s designated only for work can do wonders to your productivity.

For starters, in order to set up your own home office, you need to find a location that’s ideal for you. Many people have a basement, a small closet, or a guest bedroom that they can use for their office. However, for those who live in a small house or apartment, you might want to find an empty space in the living room or kitchen for example that you can convert into a cozy office.

Setting a home office isn’t just about finding a space that you can transform into an office; comfort also plays a key role in setting up an office. You might think that investing in an expensive chair isn’t really worth the money, but when you think about sitting down on a dining room chair working for hours on end, you’ll most likely realize that you can end up with bad back pain. So, it is important to purchase an ergonomic chair that will keep you comfortable for those long grueling hours.

Have a Morning Routine

If you’re someone who has been struggling with the shift of working from home and doing everything you can but still can’t get things done, you might want to reconsider how you spend your mornings each day.

The majority of people spend their morning checking up on email, scrolling through social media, and reading the news before they even get out of bed. And instead of having a routine that properly prepares them to start their day, they jump from being glued to the bright screen of their phone to working. What these people don’t know is that this can drastically increase their stress levels and make them feel even more isolated.

So, the secret to solving this issue is easier said than done as it all lies in your morning routine. Having a structured morning routine is like waking up on the right side of the bed, and it all starts with your sleep schedule.

I think we can all agree that it’s easier to get sucked into the cycle of finding a TV show that you can’t help but binge-watch, and as a result, you will end up having to sleep less in order to finish the show. If that happens, chances are, you’ll mess up your sleeping schedule and will have a hard time getting back on track because a cup of hot coffee or tea won’t help that much with sleep deprivation.

Once you get your sleeping schedule adjusted, allocating anywhere between 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night, the next step in your routine is making sure that you are well hydrated. It’s advisable to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and stay hydrated throughout the day as there’s a direct link between hydration and productivity levels.

The rest of your morning routine should be set according to your preference, as long as it’s structured. Some people like to work out first thing in the morning before having breakfast and going about their day, while others prefer to kick start their day by meditating or practicing yoga as a way to start their day off with a stress-free mindset.

Set Rules for Family Members

If you’ve been on the internet for long enough, then you probably have stumbled upon the viral video of the BBC interview where the dad gets interrupted by his young children who barge inside the room while he’s doing the live interview.

It’s an awkward situation to be in for everyone involved, and it can be easily avoided by setting clear rules for your family members. Let your family members know about your work hours and how you shouldn’t be bothered during them to avoid getting distracted by them.

Eliminate All Distractions

You might find that despite doing everything you can to have a productive day of work, you still tend to lose time very easily as a result of distractions that make you lose your focus. So, it’s recommended that you get rid of everything that might distract you through your workday if you want to achieve your goals for the day.

Contrary to popular belief, distractions don’t just come in the form of a TV or a smartphone– practically anything can distract you and cause you to lose focus. Some distractions might seem impossible to eliminate, so it’s best to stay in a place where distractions are kept to a minimum.

There’s no doubt that the biggest distraction that the majority of people can’t resist is the internet. You’ll find yourself constantly checking up on social media apps or watching videos on YouTube, which is why an app blocker can really be beneficial to remove distractions and help you focus. Or, a better solution is to put your phone on silent or switch it off while you’re working.

Distractions can also come in the form of noise; being in a noisy environment can really affect your concentration and your productivity. Relocating your at-home office to a quieter area is a great option if noise is a big distraction for you, and if that’s not possible, you might want to invest in high-quality noise-canceling headphones.

The last distraction that you should avoid is having your mind wander off while you’re working. It’s very easy for your mind to start drifting unconsciously as a way to avoid the effort of concentrating on something. It’s extremely important to pay attention to your thoughts and redirect them to work whenever you feel your mind slipping.

Create a To-Do List

A To-Do list is one of the best ways a person can stay organized and grounded, no matter how overwhelming the work might be. When you have all your tasks written down in front of you, you can easily organize your day based on those tasks, identifying which task should be done first and which one you should pay more attention to.

In addition to the benefits of time management, a to-do list can also be seen as a motivational tool. Saying that you want to get a promotion at work is one thing, but listing the things that you need to do in order to get a promotion is a completely different thing. And, many people will agree that there isn’t a more satisfying feeling than to check boxes off on your to-do list once you accomplish the tasks.

Take Breaks

When you work from home, it feels like you’re already working on a break. Working from home is so unlike working in an office where you can take small breaks to clear your mind and recharge your energy, so it’s easy to forget that you still need breaks even if you haven’t set foot outside your house.

While it’s important not to overwhelm yourself with working long grueling hours without stopping and draining your energy, it’s also important to keep in mind not to take too many breaks. Set for yourself a specific time for breaks throughout your workday, and during those breaks, you can do anything from walking around your house or even playing with your pets for a couple of minutes.

Set Working Hours

Just like it’s important to allocate time for breaks throughout the day, it’s also important to set consistent working hours and sticking to them. This can be very beneficial especially for people who tend to easily lose track of time.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, overworking yourself might also become an issue. You might think that it’s not an issue to work an extra hour or two to get things done, when in reality, that can destroy your productivity.

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