How to Find Fulfillment In Simple Things and Lead a Happy Life

The one goal that everyone has is to be happy. But, finding happiness in life also tends to be a huge struggle.

Whether it’s your career or your personal life – there are tons of battles and things holding us back from being truly happy. And, if I’m being honest; as humans, we also tend to overcomplicate things. Which is the top reason why so many of us find it difficult to be happy.

So, how do you fix that? In this article, we’ve discussed how to find fulfillment in simple things and lead a happy life, even when your life isn’t going according to plan.

Being Mortal

being mortal

by Atul Gawande

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On the journey to finding happiness, the most important thing to remember is that, like all things, staying happy is an active choice and it takes a lot of active effort. Whether it’s indulging in your favorite dessert, binge-watching a TV show, or calling a loved one, we all have to continuously find ways to keep ourselves happy.

Now, I know that sounds a little weird. Are we really happy if we always have to work to keep things that way? Well, the answer is yes! Developing a positive mindset is the first step towards happiness. Don’t get me wrong, changing your perception of the world isn’t easy. But is it worth it? Absolutely!

The truth is, as humans, we tend to allot so much of our mental energy to worrying about things that we often forget to appreciate the good in life. Here’s the thing: Life will always be tricky. It will always have ups and downs, and if you choose to only focus on the downs, you will never find true happiness.

So, how do you fix that? The answer is simple: Prioritize happiness. And if you’re having trouble doing that, here’s a simple rule to follow. According to psychology, your happiness revolves around three primary things, your home, your love life, and your work.

And to make sure that you stay happy, you’re supposed to be standing in the middle of these three things. Which means whenever you’re feeling low, consider these three factors and pinpoint which one is the reason behind your frustration. Once you recognize what’s bothering you, it’s easy to put into perspective whether or not you’re upset over something fixable.

If it’s fixable, work on it; if it’s s not fixable, stop wasting your energy on it and direct that energy towards things that do make you happy. It’s as simple as that.

Learning to accept things as they are is the easiest way to keep yourself happy. Knowing that there are some things in the world that aren’t in your control keeps you grounded and focused on what truly matters. Instead of allowing yourself to grow frustrated by the things you can’t change, change what you can: your attitude.

Sure, you can choose to be miserable and let your problems dictate your mood. But, you can also choose to not let your failures define you. Not only will this help you through rough times, it will also help you understand that things really aren’t as bad as they seem.

But how do you get yourself into this positive mindset? It all begins when you start your day. The note you start your day on determines how the rest will go. If you wake up worrying over small things, chances are that random things will keep annoying you throughout the day. Which is why the first thing you should do when you wake up in the morning is to take a minute and look at your surroundings.

This is a simple exercise, but trust me, it will give you the energy boost you need to get yourself through the toughest of days. Start by counting down all the things you’re grateful for right at the start of the day. It only takes a couple of minutes, and this small activity will put everything into perspective: your goals, your motivations, and even your frustrations.

Recite positive affirmations to yourself and say out loud all the things you’re thankful for. No matter how difficult times are, this will start your day on a positive note and help you focus on the silver lining that you so desperately need. As you wake up, tell yourself that the bar for your happiness is low. Tell yourself that you do not need anything extravagant to bring a smile to your face, and then allow yourself to enjoy whatever little pleasures of life come your way.

Maybe the weather is just perfect or maybe your salad came with a side of extra dressing. Just small things that you might generally not notice, allow yourself to notice them and allow them to make you happy.

And once your day starts on a positive note, take short breaks to do things that you love, things that bring you joy. Maybe call up an old friend during your lunch or go out for a latte by yourself. Try doing things that are free or don’t cost much, if that’s what works for you. Prioritize yourself and your happiness every day.

This is the only way you’ll learn to appreciate the small things in life and slow down for a few minutes. Truly take your surroundings and feelings in with all your senses. Enjoy yourself and the time you have for yourself. We miss out on so many simple joys because we often forget to slow down. So, let go of any worries and spend time with yourself, doing the things you love, and you’ll find yourself motivated enough to take on any challenge. 

Don’t wait for other people to make your day. Instead, wake up every day and tell yourself that you will make yourself happy today, and then make sure that you follow through. Expect less and value contentment. When you start working towards and enjoying, realistic goals, staying happier becomes much easier.

Studies show that only 10% of our happiness comes from external success. So, instead of getting caught up in meaningless races, focus on finding the happiness within yourself. Be true to your heart and follow it. Give your body and mind the care that they need to keep you healthy and in turn, happy.

While you’re helping yourself find joy in simple things, make sure to help others along the way. Trust me, making someone else laugh and bringing a smile to their face is one of the happiest moments you can experience in the world.

The joy of helping out is like no other. So let yourself experience it by volunteering for local charities and organizations. If you don’t have the time to do that, start off by offering to mow your neighbor’s garden or cook dinner for a friend. Being thoughtful to the people around you, telling them you care about them, and appreciating them helps you foster more meaningful relationships, which is ultimately the key to staying happy.

At the same time, surround yourself with people who fuel your positive energy. Try and connect with people who like to look at the brighter side of life and learn everything you can from them.

At the end of the day, I doubt that there’s anyone in this world who wants to complicate their life on purpose. But hey, we’re human, and we all fall prey to stress and anxiety. However, the important thing is a lot of us often choose to stay unhappy. We choose to put ourselves in situations where we can’t get out of our negative mindsets.

When you feel like you’re losing yourself in a cycle of fighting to stay productive and complicating your life more than needed – remind yourself that all you need to do is simplify your problems. Take things one step at a time, and trust me; it will become easier as you go. By cutting back on unnecessary obligations and emotions, you have more time to do the things you love, instead of having to compromise.

Always remember that life isn’t about perfection, it’s about balance. Learning how to manage your emotions and prioritizing things that make you happy is the only way to lead a life that’s not only easy but also fulfilling. That’s a wrap for How to Find Fulfilment in Simple Things and Lead a Happy Life. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

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