5 Most Common Money Mistakes Young People Make

Young people often make mistakes when it comes to money. People in their 20s and 30s, often lack financial knowledge, and therefore make costly financial mistakes. As a result, their pocket is empty at the end of the month.

It is important to organize your financial commitments with short and long term objectives. In this article, we’re going to discuss the 5 most common money mistakes young people make. So let’s get started!

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by Benjamin Graham

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Spending More Than You Earn:

One of the most common money mistakes that young people make is they spend more money than they earn. They squander money on things that do not profit them financially. By creating a solid plan, one can easily control one’s budget.

For getting rid of such a mistake, one has to avoid non-essential expenses. These expenses may include dining out, spending for entertainment purposes, and unnecessary shopping. 

Not Taking Credit Issues Seriously:

One of the problems with young people is that they don’t take credit issues seriously. They usually overspend on credit cards. If the bills are not fully paid, the interest accumulates quickly. Also, they are less likely to take credit card debt seriously.

Another mistake that young people make with credit cards is that they are not aware of their expenses as compared to their income. The youth usually overestimate their income and spend more, which leaves them with an undesirable financial setback. 

Small expenses can really add up, which makes life difficult. They often fail to set a budget for themselves and put everything on their credit card. Due to these credit card mistakes, young people often face severe financial issues. 

In the end of the article, we’ll discuss ways you can overcome these mistakes. So make sure you stay with us to the end.

Not Saving Any of Your Monthly Income:

Most young people avoid savings. Yes, it’s true. They usually spend a lot of money on unnecessary things and not a penny on savings. Most of the young people think that it doesn’t matter if they spend $20 on a dinner with a friend or on throwing a party with their friends of social circle. But it actually does matter; saving $20 per week for a year will give you $1,040. 

They often lack a concrete financial goal, thus they don’t put money in their account. Young people often make this mistake because they think they have plenty of time in the future to save money. They think they will start saving money once they become more stable and their income increases. Making and working on a budget will help you to save more easily. 

Making Unnecessary Large Purchases:

Young people spend a lot of money on things that are actually not necessary. Due to this mistake, they are faced with credit card debt. Most of the time, young people spend money on an outing with friends, buying clothes, and eating out.

They sometimes take these expenses for granted without even realizing it. For the youth, spending their money on branded clothing, dinners, and get-togethers is a need, not extravagancy. But at the end of the month, they are left with a pretty hefty credit card balance. 

One can get rid of this extra expenditure by considering the credit card as a loan and keeping in mind that they will have to return that money. If you are still having debt issues, then create a debt repayment plan. 

Not Investing:

A bad financial decision is not investing your money. Many young people don’t consider investing, because they think they have to be an expert in the stock market to do this. It is not necessary to be an expert in the stock market when it comes to investing your money.

Investing has become easy with technology. They also don’t want to invest, as they think their current financial condition is satisfactory, but at the end of the month, they are proved wrong.

Ways to Overcome These Mistakes:

Young people can overcome financial issues by immediate proper steps. No matter how complex the problem, it can be handled by taking various reconstructive steps. Following are some of our favorite solutions to financial problems:

Create a Budget:

A monthly spending plan for your income is called a budget. Creating a budget is one of the best tools to overcome financial issues. It helps you to spend your money on important things by guiding your spending decisions. Your expenses will not be a guess after you form a budget. 

Budget will help you to spend according to your income. It makes it easier for you to spend your money where it is truly necessary.

Determining Financial Priorities:

Another way to overcome money mistakes is to determine your financial priorities. You can make tough financial decisions using those priorities.

You will be able to solve your money mistakes by turning priorities into achievable and actionable goals. Determining your financial priorities will help you to avoid spending on unnecessary things.

Take Steps To Reduce These Mistakes:

Young people can reduce financial mistakes by taking strong steps. They may include trying to increase income or to reduce expenses. The combination of both is particularly effective. Keep aside some money each month, to help you to pay down your debt. If you aren’t facing a debt issue, still put aside money every month in an emergency fund.

Start Investing:

Investing is all about building your wealth. Investing will not only help to fulfill your wants and needs and avoid debts but also give you other long-term financial benefits. It is not only helpful in improving your current financial condition, but also in achieving future goals.


Some common mistakes that young people make include not caring about debt, not saving money for emergencies, being extravagant, and not investing. These problems can be easily sorted out if the youth is mindful of investing and saving money. They can improve their financial status by reducing expenditure on things of short-term benefits and hence, they can easily handle their money matters.

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