These Malcolm Gladwell Books Will Make You A Better Human

As one of the world’s most renowned writers and public speakers in the areas of psychology and sociology, Malcolm Gladwell has carved out a reputation for breaking down meaningful research findings and teaching his audience how to apply the results of those findings in order to improve their lives. 

From personal relationships to career advice, Gladwell covers it all.

If you are interested in seeing for yourself why so many people count Malcolm Gladwell among their favorite, most inspirational authors, be sure to check out these three Malcolm Gladwell books that are sure to make you a better human being.

The Tipping Point

Change is something that plays a major factor in the course of our lives, especially in the 21st century when the world is changing at a blistering rate.

In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell discusses some of the common psychological and sociological agents of change and the effect that they have on our lives.

Change is something that can, at times, throw a wrench in your life plans. If you learn how to anticipate change and adapt to its consequences, though, you will be much better prepared to deal with our rapidly changing world.

In The Tipping Point, Gladwell teaches how the little things in our day-to-day lives lead to major change. It’s certainly a book that is well worth checking out for anyone who wants to learn how to be more adaptable to change. 

The Tipping Point

by Malcolm Gladwell

⏱ 13 minutes reading time

🎧 Audio version available


The second book that Malcolm Gladwell published, Blink covers the enormous impact that the subconscious mind has on our day-to-day lives.

In Blink, Gladwell looks at both the positive impacts of subconscious processing such as instinctual judgment as well as the negative impacts such as stereotyping – teaching his audience how to leverage the positive impacts of subconscious processing as well as avoid its pitfalls.

The subtitle to Blink is “The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”, and it’s a fitting subtitle. Blink teaches readers how to maximize their subconscious and improve their decision-making process without having to actually improve their intelligence or critical thinking skills.

There’s no denying that the subconscious is a powerful, underutilized thing, and Blink will teach you how to use it to its fullest. 


by Malcolm Gladwell

⏱ 12 minutes reading time

🎧 Audio version available


In the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell shines a spotlight on some of the world’s most successful people, outlining the psychological traits that have enabled them to reach such high levels of success.

Outliers looks at people ranging from Bill Gates to the Beatles, diagnosing the factors that led to their success and teaching readers how they can apply the same factors to their own lives.

After reading Outliers, it’s likely that you will walk away with the idea that extraordinary success is rarely accidental. Instead, extraordinary success is something that almost anyone can achieve if they follow the right recipe.

If you are looking for a book that will help provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to reach your goals, Outliers is certainly a great book to read.


by Malcolm Gladwell

⏱ 15 minutes reading time

🎧 Audio version available

Malcolm Gladwell has cemented his status as one of the world’s most renowned writers, lecturers, and authorities on psychology and sociology. From personal relationships to career advice – Gladwell covers it all. If you are looking for an eye-opening exploration of behavioral analyzation and analysis of success, then do yourself a favor and check out three of Malcolm Gladwell’s books.

After digesting them, some readers may decide to move forward with recent studies in the field and research their own findings based on the principles which Gladwell outlines. The possibilities are endless when it comes to how someone can use what they learn from this great author.

To keep Gladwell’s wisdom flowing through your mind at all times, why not read up on some of his articles or watch any one of his videos? Regardless; there is no wrong way to grasp knowledge when you choose such an acclaimed source for inspiration.

So if you want to give yourself a chance to learn something new today; consider picking up one (or all!) of these brilliant works today and taking notes as you go along – you won’t be disappointed! Read Malcolm Gladwell’s books now and tap into the fountain that is knowledge!

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